Art Attack of March 2022

Art Attack of December 2021
On January 27th, the two Dutch volunteers organized another Art Attack. For every person that attended, there was a canvas, a palette, and a painting apron. Furthermore, there were a variety of colors and brushes for the participants to use. During the previous Art Attack, we ran out of white paint. This time, we made sure there was enough paint.
In total, seven people attended the workshop, and four of them were new. It was nice to see that the Art Attack also attracts new people. This way, we get the opportunity to meet more people. For all the people that keep attending the Art Attack, it is good to see that you like this activity so much. The paintings were diverse. Everybody painted something that they wanted to paint. Some people drew instead of painting. One of the participants from last month came this time as well to finish her painting. Once everybody had arrived, we started together. We first explained how everything worked, and then we asked if they wanted something to drink.
Like last time, not everybody painted with acrylic paint. Some people choose to paint with watercolors instead. After two hours, everybody was finished. They cleaned their brushes and said goodbye. It was possible to let the paintings dry in the SFERA office, but all the participants chose to take their paintings home.