Sfera International as part of Pro Dialogue

Seminar Youth Leadership for Advocacy
Today, SFERA celebrates its 14th anniversary. It has been a long road, but the success stories among local youth, volunteers, and staff are tremendous. One of SFERA’s guiding principles is to be the change you want to see, and we have witnessed our youth establishing themselves far into their careers and life options. SFERA has three important objectives for the coming year: program innovation, visibility, and sustainability. Let’s celebrate the next 10 years of excellence, expansion, and engagement.
It was first established as an informal group in 2007. However, in July 2009, it was officially registered as an NGO in North Macedonia.
Our goal
It is through non-formal methods to educate the population in North Macedonia about the protection of the environment, cultural and natural heritage, and youth empowerment, to raise awareness among all age groups about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and its benefits. In March 2015, the organization changed its statute to focus on youth sustainability development and youth empowerment, based on its values and competencies.
Our past projects
- Developing leadership skills and democracy among youth
- Fire, environmental protection, and education
- Organizing trainings, workshops, and camps on a national and international level
- Networking with national and international organizations and networks