Local Volunteering Council Project
The “Local Volunteer Service Bitola”

Public discussion - “Volunteering at Festivals vs. Volunteering in the Community”


SFERA International participated in the public discussion entitled "Volunteering at festivals vs. volunteering in the community" to talk about the topic together and exchange experiences and views. December 5th is the day when we celebrate volunteerism, when we remember the magnitude of volunteer engagement, and when we publicly acknowledge and promote the values of volunteer work. In this discussion, we discussed the challenges and the trend of young people volunteering at festivals, we discussed the different methods and tools we can use to motivate young people to get active in volunteering in the community. The discussion was held on December 5, 2022 (Monday), at the Millennium Hotel, Bitola. In the discussion, we presented the experiences of civil society organizations, the Municipality of Bitola, public institutions, and volunteers for the engagement of volunteers in their operations. The "Local Volunteer Service Bitola" project of the Youth Cultural Center - Bitola in partnership with SFERA International is implemented within the framework of the Regional Program for Local Democracy in the Western Balkans 2 - ReLOaD2, which is financed by the European Union (EU) and is implemented by the Program for development of the United Nations (UNDP), in partnership with the Municipality of Bitola.