Gen Z Digital Workforce: Improving online Employability and resilience of young people with fewer opportunities

Biodiversity Outdoor Learning
Power Saving Check goes Citizens

Strategic Partnership for the development of innovation in the field of adult education financed by the Erasmus + program, with a duration of 36 months.
Objectives of the project:
Concrete contribution to the achievement of the European climate protection targets by:
- Decreasing the consumption of electricity, water, and heating energy in private households and public buildings.
- Reducing CO 2 emissions in private households and public buildings.
- Promoting the circular economy.
- Involving the citizens actively, reasonably and target oriented also with digital solutions in this process.
- Dis-burdening low-income households financially.
Expected Results
- Curriculum for the education of Power Saving Checkers.
- Handbook for Power Saving Checkers.
- Training Material for the Pilot Training and the Webinar for Trainers.
- Online Course for the education of Power Saving Checkers - completed by the fields "Air Conditioning" and "Waste Separation".
- 14 staff members of the partner organisations were trained as trainers.
- 42 Power Saving Checkers were educated by the trained trainers.
- The educated Power Saving Checkers have implemented 100 Checks in low-income households during the Test Phase.
- The Power Saving Checkers have implemented 6 Checks in public buildings.
- The Checkers have implemented 50 Checks in households who ask for services via the App.
- The Checkers have promoted environmental awareness by informal education.
The kick-off meeting for this project was held in Plauen Germany from 16 - 20 May 2022 on which were presented the partners of this project as well as the aims and activities.
SFERA International participated in the second partner meeting for the project “Power Saving Check goes Citizens” from 28.11 to 01.12.2022 in Pleven Bulgaria.