Bursa blog

Cagri Tuncer
Hello from the second month in Bitola!
I really got used to this city! I have the impression that I am at home. It makes me happy to know most of the city’s locations and even to meet with people who I know while walking in Širok Sokak.
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This month, I had the chance to discover Bitola and North Macedonia. We went to Ohrid and Skopje. I am organizing different kinds of events, which are all new experiences for me. These activities make me excited.
I mostly try to enjoy this time. I think it was a good idea to spend the pandemic process in Bitola. I am happy to be here in this process. Because this is a small and beautiful city, it gives you the opportunity to spend some nice time in the open area.
This is the first time I’ve ever experienced it. I think I got more used to it here than I thought. I’m even more excited about the last month.
Time really flies!