1st month in Sfera

Arzu from Turkey
Like all great stories, ours starts with the well-known “once upon a time.” Once upon a time, there were two Romanian girls coming from a big city in Transylvania called Cluj-Napoca who were craving adventure, self-discovery, and new heroes in their lives. They decided to participate in a short-term (but not less exciting than a long-term) EVS project in a beautiful city in North Macedonia, called Bitola, situated right at the foot of the mountains.
Our volunteer journey is still in the making, as the project has just started, and we could not be more enthusiastic to contribute to such an amazing green initiative. More precisely, we will have recycling and upcycling workshops to learn practical ways to turn junk into treasure. Each week, my Romanian sidekick and I will organize workshops with the children where we take recyclable materials, such as plastic, paper, etc., and transform them into useful or fun objects to be valued once again. We aim to have fun doing these workshops while reminding ourselves that on Planet Earth there is no room for trash, but plenty of room for creativity for good causes while making it a little more livable. For sure, experiencing volunteer work in a new culture will be eye-opening and make us better citizens of the world.
To be continued…