Art Attack by Dutch volunteers

6th Deep Talk in УЛАФ СТЕ
On Thursday, the 10th of March, there was another Deep Talk that took place in УЛАФ СТЕ café. This weekly event is hosted by a 19-year-old Dutch volunteer, and it provides participants with an opportunity to open-endedly join in on a conversation about a deeper topic, gain insights, and practice speaking English. This deep talk was attended by multiple people. It was also nice that new people were also interested in this event.
The topic of the deep talk was “change.” The way we organize the Deep Talks is that before the event, we fill a jar with questions written on small pieces of paper. Then we can pass the jar around so everyone takes out a question, reads it out loud, and then tries to answer it. Anyone who has something to add or ask may always jump in. This way, we shape the conversation and allow everyone to have input in the discussion. For the topic of “change,” we had questions such as “What would you say to a person that doesn’t like change?”, “Do you think change is important?” and “Have you ever decided to change your friend group?”. After an hour of talking, we were not finished with the discussion, so we stayed for an hour more. Having gained some new ideas and views, we look back on a great event. Thanks to all the participants!