Workshop – Be smarter than your sources

Training Course RURAL HEROES
SFERA International organized the training “Pro-Dialogue” for young people and youth workers on February 27, 2021. The aim of this training was to inform the participants about the dialogue activities and the work of the dialogators: what is a dialogator, what did our trained dialogators learn during their first training, and what will happen next on a local and international level.
- Project presentation by the project manager, Milcho Duli
- Presentation of the training course by Filip Gagovski
- Interactive workshops with the participants on the topics of the project are led by Filip Gagovski
- Open discussion on the project topics and the need for dialogators is led by Katerina Popovska
- Closing and refreshments/informal networking
After the presentations and workshops, as a final and closing part of the training, we started a discussion with the participants about hate speech and fake news and what their perceptions and experiences were on these topics. Furthermore, we asked them about which vulnerable groups they thought were most affected by hate speech in our country and what we could do to raise awareness about this.
Then, we continued talking about the roles of the dialogators: how much do the participants think that we have a need for dialogators, and do they think their institutions would benefit from training dialogators?
We had a long discussion on all the above-mentioned topics, which continued even after the training, during the informal networking time. The participants expressed interest in the upcoming activities of the project and in the outcomes of the project.
This workshop was organized as part of the project “PRO Dialogue”, which is a Strategic Partnership funded by the Erasmus Plus programme.