Szymon’s blog

The first two weeks in SFERA MACEDONIA…
It’s been way over 2 months since my last blog note. A lot has changed. At the beginning of this year, I wouldn’t have expected how exceptional and odd my volunteer project would be. In January and February, everything was still normal. I was doing my job, organizing events, taking part in meetings, and helping in the office. I prepared “Art Attack” twice, which was already a well-known event in the SFERA community. I also organized Polish-night events. Participants could learn some fun facts about my home country, try a traditional Polish dish, or watch a movie based in Poland. I was very surprised by how many people were interested in those events.
Everything was fine until the middle of March, when the coronavirus spread throughout Europe and everything changed. Weeks earlier before that, observing the situation in China, I was feeling like this problem hasn’t and will not have any influence on me like it was far away from me and everything will be completely fine. Unfortunately, it spread to Europe, and all my expectations were gone. From then on, the borders got closed, as did restaurants, cinemas, and most other places as well. I had a fight between two thoughts in my head: am I stuck in Macedonia, or maybe I will be forced to come back to Poland? Because the situation in most of the countries was similar, I wasn’t scared or had a feeling that I need to come back to Poland. I preferred to stay waiting for better. Thankfully, I could.
Now, in all this madness, I’m working from home, stuck in one place, keeping in touch with my family and friends, checking up on the updates about coronavirus, and hoping that the situation will get better as soon as possible so I can get back to my project normally and enjoy as earlier. Stay safe, and see you next time!