Paragraph from Surucan

See you later, EVS _ SFERA Macedonia
Здраво (hello), You’re reading a story that’s amazing for me.
My path with SFERA intersected twice. I applied for a similar project last year. They wanted a video call, but it didn’t happen because I wasn’t available. But if something is your kısmet, it’ll find you. One year later, in 2019, This is my kısmet (luck).
I flew to Skopje on a hot Sunday with three volunteers. When we arrived, we saw an empty country. The roads, streets, and cities were empty everywhere. It turns out that Sunday was a day of rest. However, the next few days were filled with a full and magnificent time. From the first day, I began to taste the most delicious food. Meals, drinks, friendships, and music attracted me, and I liked them very much. Now I’m so sorry because it’s over.
We shared a house consisting of five people from Turkey. Our house wasn’t multi-cultural. However, I learned that, thanks to this house, not only those who speak the same language but those who share the same feelings can understand each other.
While I was continuing this project, I was in four countries. North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Albania While traveling in these countries, I met a family from Kosovo, a Bosnian friend, a German group, and two Azerbaijani friends. We had a lot of fun with all of them and saw what the concept of goodness meant again.
When Macedonians spoke Macedonian, sometimes I understood them much better than English. because Macedonian contains enough Turkish words to surprise you. Çakmak, çanta, cezve, fincan, kına, çarşaf, yorgan, adres, posta… The things that come to mind Also, I can read Macedonian. It’s a really nice language. I know a little Macedonian because of my origin. I told everyone I met, “I have Macedonian background.” My friends, who were always with me, memorized this sentence and my immigration story.
During two months in North Macedonia, I went to our villages, Rostuse and Tetovo (Kalkandelen), to discover my heritage. I can’t find words to say, I can’t tell the interest and relevance I’ve seen in Rostuse. You can only understand it by living. When I came there, I had a burst of emotion. I learned the word “Pecalbarski” (longing for “homeland”). I was impressed by this word and decided to make a connection between Macedonia and my master’s thesis.
We had a lot of fun doing activities with SFERA. I learned a lot through these activities. SFERA is not only a non-governmental organization. It is sometimes an entertainment center, sometimes a public institution, sometimes a charity, and usually an education center like a school.
These two months felt like a movie. At the end of the film, there are thank-you notes.
I have seen so many good favors from the people because of that I don’t know who to thank first. The SFERA family, the whole village of Rostuse, my bro in Skopje, my special friends in Bitola, and the срце моје thank you/fala/teşekkür.
I finish my writing with the lyrics of this famous song Bitola moj roden kraj by Ajri Demirovski.
“ … Има ли кој, граде мој (Битола)
збогум да ти каже, да не заплаче?
… Is there anyone, my city (Bitola)
to tell you “Goodbye” and not to cry?
… Şehrimde (Manastır) kimse var mı?
Hoşçakal diyecek ve ağlatmayacak.”
Okey, Republic of North Macedonia, I will miss you.