Cooperation for youth integration (CO4YOU)

Gen Z Digital Workforce: Improving online Employability and resilience of young people with fewer opportunities
Young Entrepreneurs in Time of Crisis – YETC

Young Entrepreneurs in Time of Crisis (YETC) is an Erasmus+ project that aims to facilitate youth activism and foster an entrepreneurial mindset through networking, sharing best practices, and developing innovative NIFL tools. The project results will help young people overcome the uncertainty caused by the unstable socio-economic situation across Europe and create a positive value by filling the gaps and promoting new entrepreneurial endeavors. The YETC project addresses the needs of young people and youth workers in finding realization of their creative ideas and initiatives through entrepreneurship and active participation. The project involves young people from 6 countries which are: North Macedonia (SFERA International), Italy (Demostene Centro Studi per la promozione dello Sviluppo Umano), Poland (Fundacja Inkubator Innowacji), Greece (EKO), Bulgaria (Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Culture, and Education) and Romania.
The partners conducted a survey among young people on their current needs and skills mismatches in entrepreneurship and youth activism. Based on the survey and desk research on national and EU policies for supporting youth entrepreneurship, the partners will produce an action plan for entrepreneurial skills and learning.
The YETC project sets the following specific objectives:
- to contribute to building the capacity of youth workers and youth organisations through joint research activities, training, and cooperation.
- to promote young entrepreneurs in partner countries through collecting good practices, producing a guide and video collection, and organizing a networking event.
- to create new NFIL tools and modules promoting entrepreneurship and youth activism tailored to the current needs of young people in the partnering countries.