Youth Inclusive Local Communities (IPA Civil Society Facility, Media Program 2020)
VR Ready

Strengthening and networking of NEET youth

The project "Strengthening and networking of NEET youth" was part of the larger project "WB&T for EmploYouth" funded by the European Union in cooperation with the network "Youth Hub Western Balkan and Turkey Network" and aimed to contribute to the reduction of youth unemployment in Municipality of Bitola through research, training and an event for networking the business community with young people from the NEET group. The aim of the project was to increase the capacities of the NGO sector to promote methods and training for easier employment and retraining of young people. Through the planned activities, we contributed to raising awareness among other stakeholders about the importance of training and employment of young people from the NEET group. Activities Conducted a survey and research in the Municipality of Bitola on the topic "Youth unemployment in Bitola and rural areas". Training course from 16th to 22nd September. During the training, participants gained essential skills for employment such as soft skills, creating a quality CV, registration and benefits of Linkedin, skills needed to conduct a successful job interview, and free online resources for learning and improvement. The networking event “WE HELP YOU GET NOTICED” was held on December 20, 2022, in SN FINTECH HUB, which gave young unemployed people a chance to network their knowledge and start their careers. This was a way to have a direct meeting with the HR of several large companies and an opportunity to learn how not to make mistakes at the first interview, how to improve writing your CV, and create your future more easily."