Europe for Citizens – Europe 4 All
Design your Job 4

About project
"Design Your Job 4" is a project funded under the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union and implemented by a pool of three partners from Serbia (the Center for Youth and Social Development "RES POLIS," EIPIX ENTERTAINMENT) and North Macedonia (the Association for Sustainable Development, SFERA Macedonia).
During program implementation through two educational phases, we will teach 12 young people— 6 from each participating country—basic 3D modeling and basic computer game animation.
The first education program will last seven days and will be implemented in North Macedonia. The second education will be in Serbia, and it will last nine days.
After each training, participants will have multiple homework assignments or tasks given by their trainers. Trainers will assist or mentor participants in their work or development process through online channels in order to fulfill their obligation and finish their tasks on time. These virtual practice periods will last up to two months.
Further on, participants will give feedback on the education program, give recommendations, and participate in the project's final conference.
Participants will have a chance to receive two types of certificates: one for valuable knowledge, which is very needed on the job market, and another for work background and experience that can be proven on an online CV found on the project web page.
The cost of this education program is 1620€, but the selected participants will NOT need to pay anything as we have the same number of scholarships as open places for the "Design Your Job 4" program. This means that we will offer a scholarship to selected young people. After selection, selected participants will be invited to sign a scholarship contract.
For that reason, we are announcing a call for Serbian citizens to: 6 participants
Main project activities:
The first training will be on basic 3D Modelling, held in Bitola, North Macedonia, from January 16–23, 2019.
The second training will be on basic computer game animation, held in the Novi Sad area of Serbia from April 8–17, 2019.
Final conference, end of November 2018.
Changes are possible both to the dates and places of indicated activities.
Both the problem and the opportunity lie in the ICT sector. This is a sector with constant growth and a constant and urgent need for workers and services. On the one hand, we have a great number of unemployed young people throughout Europe searching for a job, and in their absence, they are migrating to other developed countries. On the other side, we have a growing ICT sector in all countries (more or less developed, EU or non-EU countries, no matter) that is desperately seeking a skilled workforce.
Unfortunately, the formal education system can’t "produce" enough ICT-skilled workforces, so the logical assumption would be to try to find or retrain people who are unemployed. The next problem is that, in many countries, there are no systematic programs that can offer ICT retraining or prequalification for unemployed people. Many countries have institutions or services that deal with the problem of unemployment, but there are no specific ICT programs on their offer.
Projects tend to be part of the answer to the problem of unemployment and a lack of workforce in the ICT sector throughout Europe. This project is the fourth edition that came out of the projects under the "Design Your Job" initiative in our long-term process through which we aim to develop simple, short, cheaper, and replicable ICT educational programs accompanied by the production of new curriculums, tools, and materials. Parallel with that, we are testing them both through simulation and through work in and use of the real sector. These programs are aimed to be used by National Employment Services or similar support systems for unemployed people, especially those with fewer opportunities, in order to retrain or prequalify people who can’t find a job in their profession. At the same time, this program is very suitable for systematically raising digital competencies and life-long learning opportunities for the whole population of the targeted country.
The program that we want to develop through this project is an education program with a manual for developers of computer or mobile games or similar 3D content.
European countries are facing a lot of challenges today. One of them is a high unemployment rate, especially among young people. Another challenge is the great depopulation of less developed European countries, as a lot of people, especially young people, are leaving their countries.
The project was co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme by the European Commission.