Youth Empowerment Support to Non-Formal Learning – YES to NFL

Young Entrepreneurs in Time of Crisis – YETC
Cooperation for youth integration (CO4YOU)

This project aims at strengthening partner work through cooperation among organizations working in the youth field and having different know-how and backgrounds, enhancing common values in a cross-fertilization process that strengthens the expertise of each partner, stimulating and developing European active citizenship paths for young immigrants’ resident in the partner countries. CO4YOU is a 2-years initiative between 4 organisations: Centro di Studi ed Iniziative Culturali “Pio La Torre” ONLUS (Palermo, Italy), Crossing Borders (Copenhagen, Denmark), Fundacio Privada Ficat (Barcelona, Spain), and Association for Sustainable Development Sfera International Bitola (Bitola, North Macedonia).
At the end of the project, it is expected that: each partner organization will have increased skills and competencies in promoting active citizenship of young people, each partner organization has strengthened both local and European partnership networks, involved young people to have experienced an active citizenship path and has risen the awareness of being actors of a change for the benefit of the integration.
The project is funded by the Agenzia nazionale per i giovani (ANG) and coordinated by the Pio La Torre Study Center from Italy as part of the Erasmus Plus program.