Gen Z Digital Workforce KICK OFF MEETING

SFERA International is currently implementing the project GEN Z, which aims to contribute to the reduction of unemployment in the EU by focusing on supporting people with fewer opportunities.
The Gen Z Digital Workforce is a 2-year initiative between 5 organizations (You(th) Develop Denmark (coordinator), Uniamoci Onlus (Italy), SFERA International (North Macedonia), Innovaform (Hungary), and My Madeira Island (Portugal)).
The priorities that this project covers aim to pilot education and training systems that promote employability, upskilling, and innovation, as well as increase social mobility and equality for special groups. This project aims to equip young people with the competencies needed for receiving and retaining a job online and developing hard and soft skills for self-organized work, including resilience. The project targets young people (also currently abbreviated as “Generation Z” or “Gen Z”) from remote and rural areas, migrants, representatives of minorities, those with health issues and disabilities, and those with economic and educational barriers, as they can leverage remote work opportunities for their benefit now.
We are currently in the process of collecting answers for surveys of young people and enterprises, and we are conducting research on digital employment in North Macedonia since the start of the pandemic.
The next upcoming activity as part of this project is a training course in Madeira, Portugal.
Stay tuned for the results of the activities from this project!
The project is financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.