Culture Bound

EVS Insight From Transylvania
Time is running out, and my EVS experience is about to end. So much happened, and so many memories were formed. Uh, where to start… The most amazing event was to create flowers from the napkins and give them to the women in Bitola for the 8th of March. We created 220 napkin flowers and distributed them across the city of Bitola. We started at the bazaar, then went to some shops we knew, then through the green market, and finally to Shirok Sokak. We primarily targeted working women and ladies. Our aim was to make women smile, and I think it was really successful. The reactions were priceless, especially from the women at the green bazaar. It felt so good! Those are the small acts of kindness we should do more of in our daily lives.
Another event I would like to mention is Swap, or Razmena, which had a second edition. It took place in Porta Jazz in the middle of March. Unfortunately, not so many people appeared, although the visibility was vast. I felt sorry about that because I put all my energy into realizing this event, which has such potential. As everything takes time, I do believe it will take four or five years to be popular here. Also in March, the whole SFERA team went for teambuilding to a picturesque village called Vitoliste. The landscape was so beautiful! Also, we had a good time playing some board games and doing some team-building activities.
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The main activity that I enjoy the most is definitely working with kids at school. I haven’t had previous working experience with elementary school-age pupils; I’m used to working with young adults mostly. I didn’t know how they would accept or like the activities we prepared for them. However, so far, so good. Every workshop was a blast. It was so enjoyable, and I gained so many skills through this experience. I’m really grateful.
Not only do working experiences count, but also cultural ones are included. One of them was to see how Easter is celebrated here in Bitola. The streets were crowded, the atmosphere was so festive, and the weather was marvelous. It’s good to be here this springtime (although the weather acts differently).
But definitely, the peaks of my EVS were the two presentations at Elpida Karamandi Elementary School. I was invited there to make a presentation for teachers about non-formal methods in formal education. Thanks to my experiences from the Erasmus+ project (youth exchanges and training courses), I could share some methods I have learned and used. I had two presentations—first for the teachers from the first grade, then for the teachers from the second grade. I have to say I was very nervous—you are presenting for teachers while you aren’t a teacher and don’t have as much experience as they do. But it’s worth overcoming your fears and facing them. I’m really glad I can work with Elpida Karamandi’s elementary school and hope there will be some further collaboration. Tomorrow I’ll have another seminar for teachers—to present the Kahoot quiz, an interactive method for pupils.
I have exactly 12 days until I leave. My feelings are really mixed. I grew up—professionally and personally. I made new friendships, visited a lot of places, and was in the company of nice people. I spent half a year of my life in Bitola. And it will belong to the nicest half of my life. Se najubo, Bitola. Мило ми беше.