Млади Претприемачи во време на криза
WHERE: Rottengeng, Austria
WHEN: 19-27.11 2023
AGE: 18+
The project, ‘Promoting Diversity and Tolerance Through Media and Information Literacy,’ aims to promote inclusive growth by equipping youth workers with media literacy skills to combat social exclusion and discrimination. It intends to deepen their understanding of these societal issues and offer hands-on experience with media tools that shed light on such issues. The primary goal is to enhance youth workers’ ability to promote constructive dialogues and engage younger individuals, increasing social inclusion. Objectives range from heightening participants’ critical approach to media, deepening their understanding of social exclusion and discrimination, improving the quality of related activities, encouraging active participation of youth in creating inclusive societies, to sharing best practices in this domain. Additionally, it aims to expand their knowledge of the Erasmus+ Programme, sparking new project ideas and future collaboration opportunities.
For more information about the project and a link to the application form, please send us an email to sfera.applications@gmail.com with the subject “PROMOTING DIVERSITY AND TOLERANCE THROUGH MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY“.