Knitting activity

Зајакнување на гласовите: герилска кампања за подигање на свеста на жените во Битола
WHERE: Eskisehir, Turkey
WHEN: 10-18.11.2023
AGE: 18+
Specifically, the aforementioned NFE methods will be applied in the program, namely getting to know each other and team building activities, city game, theory-oriented sessions, brainstorming, world cafe, role plays, forum theatre, simulation game, small group discussions, Open Space Technology, study visit, and reflection activities.
In order to get a general understanding of the topic, the participants will work in small groups and try to find the types, reasons, and impacts of migration. A simulation game will be followed for understanding the role of immigrants in our societies and how it feels to be an immigrant. Sharing experiences and best practices will be done with the method of Open Space Technology where participants will share the tools and methods they use while working with young people with immigrant backgrounds. Based on the knowledge and shared tools, the participants will elaborate a Recommendation paper and ToolKit with the purpose to disseminate it among other youth workers and assist them in their youth work with young immigrants.
For more information about the project and a link to the application form, please send us an email to sfera.applications@gmail.com with the subject “Youth Workers on Inclusion of Refugees“.
Join us in making a difference by promoting inclusion and understanding among refugees and youth workers!