Movie night RIPHAGEN
Local Debate BIC
On the 5th of March, a local activity was organized in Prilep. The activity aimed to teach youngsters about social impact and how to measure it. The activity was organized at the city library “Borka Taleski” in Prilep, North Macedonia. In this library, a big conference room was set up. The space was big enough for the 25 participants that joined the activity.
The workshop started with an introductory game. That way, the participants got to know each other a little bit. After this short game, the workshop started. The workshop was given by two students who attended a training course in Sumy, Ukraine, in January. During the workshop, they talked about how to define social impact. So the principles of and ways of measuring social impact and how to use this in your work Furthermore, they talked about how you can support each stage of the process. After a small break, we learned a method for measuring social impact.
The workshop was very interesting. Furthermore, the energizers that were prepared were very fun, and everybody enjoyed them. For example, we did an energizer where everybody wrote one lie and two truths about themselves on a piece of paper. Then we needed to guess which one was a lie. After the workshop, we all had a nice lunch together.
The project was part of the local actors from the KA2 Social Impact: Measuring What Is Important funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union with reference number: 608594-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPKA2-CBY-EP-CSF.